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Selectmen's Minutes 04/23/2007

April 23, 2007

PRESENT:        Selectmen Emma Smith, Stephen White, William Roach, Richard Leone and Frederick Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

OTHERS:  Carolyn Stoddard,  Ronald Verblauw, Jim Williams, Catherine Bushueff, John Walden, Peter Urbach and Sue Gotling.

ITEMS FOR SIGNATURE:  Please see copy of agenda attached to the file copy of these minutes.


A.  Catherine Bushueff presented the Selectmen with copies of the NH Preservation Alliance brochure.  She pointed out that the old Sunapee Town Hall was pictured in  the brochure and asked if she could leave copies in the lobby of the Town Hall.  The Selectmen granted approval.

B.  Catherine Bushueff gave the Selectmen a copy of a letter from her to the Library Trustees.  C. Bushueff stated that she is concerned about training for persons who are elected or appointed to do committee work for the town.  C. Bushueff stated that she is especially concerned with the Right to Know law and hopes all committees and boards will adhere to that.  She mentioned the use of email for communication and feels this may violate the essence of the law and wonders if decisions are made via email and not at a public meeting.  Discussion was held on whether or not the Board of Selectmen can oversee the library trustees.  It was explained that the Selectmen did not have any authority over the library trustees.  C. Bushueff stated that she had spoken with Terry Knowles of the Charitable Trusts office and she is willing to provide training to volunteers of the Town with regard to trusts.  Emma Smith stated that she thought this was a good idea and will be further discussed.  She presented the Board with copies from an article in the Union Leader addressing the use of email by public officials.  Stephen White stated that he wanted to be careful of the requirement of training for volunteers as it is very hard now to get citizens to volunteer.  Richard Leone stated that he feels the issue of the use of email is critical and that the Selectmen should be aware of when this is happening.  Frederic Gallup stated that the use of email is not an issue unless decisions are being made.  Donna Nashawaty added that emails may by used to pass along information, but there are never any decisions that are communicated through emails.  Ron Verblauw suggested that the Board provide a manual for new members that would explain the Right to know Law.  Stephen White stated that an ethics policy was already in place and would cover much of the authority of volunteers.  Peter Urbach stated that the Library Trustees did use email extensively to communicate since the Trustees only meet
Board of Selectmen
April 23, 2007

once a month, but he assured the Board that no decisions are made via email.  All decisions are made at public meetings.  P. Urbach further explained that as of the March meeting, all emails are available at the library for public viewing.  Richard Leone cautioned the Library Trustees on being libelous with contents of the emails sent.  Donna Nashawaty suggested that perhaps any emails sent prior to a meeting become an attachment to the minutes of that meeting.  Catherine Bushueff urged the Board to contact the Charitable Trust to arrange for a meeting with all boards and committees for training and clarification of the Right to Know law.  

Jim Williams informed the Board that the recent Planning Board Master Plan Review meeting was moved to the basement of the Abbott Library which is not handicapped accessible.  This change of the meeting place was an emergency measure, because of plumbing problems at the Town Hall.


Representative Sue Gotling

Representative Sue Gotling explained that she wished to meet with the Board to keep them current on what is happening in the Legislature.  With regard to the Right to Know law, this bill needs to go before the Senate.

S. Gotling informed the Board that two public forums of the Sullivan County Task Force are being held at the Newport Sugar River Technical Center media room.  The first forum is being held May 22, 2007 at 6:30 PM.  The forum is being held to seek input from the public as to what they would like to see as the charge of duties for county government.  S. Gotling informed the Board that big items that will affect the county budget are the investigation of providing a new jail for the county and the county-wide recycling program. William Roach said he would like to see the results of this forum on county government be compared to the last two that were taken.  He stated that he believes the finances of the county need to be investigated as no one seems to know what they really have.  S. Gotling stated that she is watching the cash flow, the Genesis spreadsheets, etcetera to establish accountability.

Emma Smith thanked Sue Gotling for her report and asked that she come to a Selectmen’s meeting each month to give a report.


A motion to approve the minutes (White/Gallup) passed with a vote of 4 in favor and 1 abstention.

Board of Selectmen
April 23, 2007


A.  Resignation of Christine Williams – Recreation Committee

The Selectmen accepted with regret the resignation.  A letter of appreciation will be written for her many years of service.

B.  Perambulation of Town Line with Goshen

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that a letter had been sent to the Goshen Selectmen requesting that they get in touch with Selectman Fred Gallup who will be doing the perambulation for Sunapee.  No response has been received as yet.  F. Gallup stated he will get in touch with the Town of Newbury to arrange that perambulation that is also needed.

C.  Appointments to BAC

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that Scott Unsworth told her he would be returning his volunteer form for appointment.  She stressed that the BAC is still lacking members and asked the Selectmen to assist with possible names.

D.  Cemetery Trustees

Donna Nashawaty reported that Jeff Trow, Trustee, has met with Norman Dalton  and recommends his appointment.  Motion was made to approve the appointment of Norman Dalton to the Cemetery Trustees (Gallup/White).  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

E.  Appointment to Tri-Town Assessing

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that William Scharff will accept appointment as the resident member of the Assessing Board.  Motion was made to approve the appointment of William Scharff (Gallup/White).  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

F.  Electronics Communications Committee

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that Ronald Verblauw has submitted a volunteer form for appointment.  She also informed the Board that Douglas Munro, who resigned from the committee, has agreed to be a consultant.  Motion was made to approve the appointment of Ronald Verblauw (Gallup/White).  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Board of Selectmen
April 23, 2007

It was noted that a representative may be needed to the Lake Sunapee Protective Association.


Emma Smith presented a letter she received from the Census Bureau which informs of a workshop for the upcoming 2010 census on May 3, 2007.  It was agreed that a folder will be developed for the 2010 census.

Emma Smith presented a letter from Terry Knowles, Charitable Trusts, which informs of upcoming educational sessions she is holding.  A copy of this will be given to the library and cemetery trustees.

With regard to the Right to Know law, E. Smith stated she would like to see all of the Chairmen of each board and committee take training on the law.


A.  Update of Time Sheets

Donna Nashawaty presented a new time sheet form she has developed and  put into place last week.  She explained that this was a requirement of the Department of Labor.

B.  Lake Avenue Project

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that the Town has received a land disturbance bond from the contractor.  The project was started last Thursday.

C.  Miscellaneous

Donna Nashawaty read a letter from AIA (American Institute of Architects)  informing the Town that another grant the Town had applied for was turned down.

The Board agreed to try to have the joint meeting of the Planning Board, Zoning Board, Conservation Commission, and Board of Selectmen at the June 4, 2007 regular meeting of the Selectmen.  The meeting will be devoted to discussion among the boards and will be held at the Safety Services Building.

William Roach stated that it was his and Fred Gallup’s pleasure to present Arthur Osborne with a plaque for fifty years of service to the Town of Sunapee at the Fireman’s Dinner held April 14th.

Board of Selectmen
April 23, 2007

Ronald Verblauw asked if a suitable meeting date has been established for the Alternative Waste Facilities Study Committee.  Stephen White stated that he would be setting up one in a few days and will let him know.  

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that she is in receipt of an agreement with North Country Waste for disposal beginning July 1, 2007.  Town Counsel has approved the agreement and it will be on the next agenda for discussion.

At 9:35 PM motion was made to enter non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II (Leone/White).  The motion carried unanimously by a show of hands.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved________________

____________________________                    _________________________
Emma M.  Smith, Chairman                                            Stephen White, Vice Chairman

____________________________                    _________________________
William Roach                                               Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup